I see you've tried the Marketplace forum on the Flowplayer.org site. It helps if you post a ballpark number you're willing to pay. Too many folks out there want to only spend $20.
All you really need is someone who knows a little JavaScript. You want to look for various Flowplayer events, which will tigger some JavaScript code. For example, to display midroll ads when the player is paused you'd use the onPause and onResume events.
To get a popunder you'd use onSeek, and set a cookie flag so that it only triggers the pop once per visit.
To get content over the Flowplayer window use their content plugin. It accepts HTML and CSS, so you can purdy it up all you want.
If your ad graphics are ugly and geoIP are off that's not a Flowplayer problem. If you're getting the graphics as part of a feed and you're scaling them to fit a window that could look bad.