I asked a pretty simple thing that would show to (all of us reading) that what you are saying works, or at least that what you are saying in theory works. I of course do not believe that the textwork is the end all be all of ranks, it's a just another factor. The issue is just the claim that the randomly generated text works great, and has for years.
I have no real reason to believe it does as I've never seen it work for any longer then a few weeks/months and then is usually tossed as bum content. This worked years ago, it doesn't so much anymore. But of course that may not be the case, if you have been doing it for years and it works great as I said you should have several (at least 1-2) examples to say "yeah I've used it on these couple sites here (siteA-siteB) and its all good".
I don't believe 90% of the stuff I read because I have NO way of giving any credibility to much of it, when I know the person has a clue, and has done his homework and his stuff DOES work, then of course I'm much more apt to listen (naturally most people would).
So when you state something emphatically, and someone asks for some clarification on your ability to even give advice on the subject, the last thing they want is more lecture about stuff they already doubt or disbelieve.
1. State facts, with no examples.
2. Get asked to clarify facts with examples.
3. Sidestep go back to stating more facts without examples.
You can see, it's a little flawed and just doesn't really instill any sense of authority in what you're trying to say. It's also the path of actions that most fly by night or inexperienced people seem to follow, and I mean real bad, you could find this exact thread 50 times on this board. It always plays out the same.
Don't take it the wrong way, nothing personal and not trying to troll. But I'm a firm believer in "show me, or bullshit". Guess being a skeptical old cock just happens to some of us.