Originally Posted by TheDoc
He hasn't directly done anything to redistribute your wealth, that's just talking point trash. All tax brackets have seen a reduction in taxes under Obama.
It's very normal for midterms to sweep the other direction, historically speaking, it's happened just about every midterm for the last 50ish years, even if the President was doing good.
I'm left wing because you think I'm defending Obama? That's the problem with you right wing people, just because someone doesn't agree with you, they must be left or liberal. Well, sorry to tell you - I'm not left, lib or a dem. I didn't vote for Obama and wouldn't vote for Obama.
And I'm not defending him... I'm showing you the truth of his actual actions so you can stop hating him without actually having a reason to hate him.
I don't care what his actions are, for example I don't care to defend healthcare - it's your right to not like it. I would simply point out that almost the same healthcare setup is already working without any issues.
Outside of GFY, most of the people I do know are left/liberal, it's where I live. Personal friend wise, I only know of a couple of people that didn't vote for Obama. Out of those that did though - all greatly support what he has done so far, and without question will be voting for him again.
The roaring crowds will be back supporting him and be even bigger this time.... I guarantee it.
So you understand. I am not a fresh out of school college kid. I graduated from the UW Madison in the 1970's. I served in the US army during Vietnam.
You can say that you are not this and are not defending that.but that is precisely what you are doing. Go back and read your own words.
The left and this administration has already shown it's desire to redistribute wealth. Raise taxes on people who have made some money. Give it to those who haven't.You are right about talking points. The people that *talked* them are Pelosi,Reed and Obama...and of course for color commentary, Joe Biden
You guarantee it...that's funny.
As I started my professional career as a sales engineer I always remember this line.
If you can't wow them with the facts, blind them with bullshit.