Couple questions first for the general public has any used these guys or is anyone trying them out so for and have something to say.
second what if I run a business in Mexico that has been around for years how can I apply then. I have been working on government contracts with the Mexican Oil company PEMEX so what I could offer before you loan me money is a signed government backed contract where I can sign over the rights to bill for the loan amount plus intrest for the time period we need the capital and lodge it in our bank and yours so that each time PEMEX pays us for what we invoice the bank automatically pays you your cut. we also do some work with Federal government like Highways and CFE which is the federal Electricity company we only work with Federal and Pemex backed contracts because the payments are guarenteed. If this is something you or your company would be interested in funding us all we need is some sort of insurance to know that once we get the contract we have the finance to do and get the job done. we can get contracts for small amounts 300.000 to larger amounts couple hundred million but we will only go after a larger one 10 million plus if we have assurance that we will have the funding.
my ICQ is 74336538
Aim is Miguelmateos04 email is the same only with after Miguelmateos04
Nextel is 92*886279*4
Cell in Mexico 011-52-921-149-2353
US number is 1-206-347-0554