Originally Posted by brassmonkey
3 days a week wont cut it improve the fucking service and people will buy it. get rid of the drunks druggies and lazy muther fuckers.
There's nothing to "improve". Do you write letters? Nope. e-mail, text messaging etc. Do you pay bills in the mail? Nope online payments. Why pay 44 cents to send a letter when I can send an e-mail for FREE and it will get there MUCH faster. I bet if it wasn't for Netflix sending DVDs in the mail the USPS would be even worse off. Oh but wait Netflix is moving towards streaming delivery.
There no need for 6 day a week delivery. The USPS wants to go to 5 days a week but needs congress's approval. They're to busy complaining about deficits( ironically ) and going on vacation to address a $3 bil issue. They also want to close many smaller post offices but once again needs approval by Congress.