Originally Posted by crockett
You can find plenty of Republicans that do the same.. as a side note West Virginia is considered a Republican state and you surely don't hear too many complaints from Republicans from his state about getting those ear marks.
It used to be Ted Stevens whom was the most powerful and he was Republican and damn sure abused his powers and was corrupt as fuck. I mean he was indicted by a federal grand jury and found guilty.
The point being, the current system is broken and needs fixed because both sides abuse it and with no term limits it allows them the ability to gain far too much power.
I fully agree. But you are railing on the GOP, again, when in reality it's the both of them. They all suck, they all play the pork game, and they all support failing projects so that their districts don't lose jobs.
The jet program you mentioned above was criticized by the Secretary of Defense and just about every high-level military leader, yet a few congressmen still wanted to hang on to their jobs back home so they left the program continue. Shameful. Congressman and Senators look out for their districts, which is understandable... but nobody is looking out for the United States as a whole.