I have four new sites going up (all good keyword .coms) , I wont publish the domains here until they are ready to go.
If you want to know the domains and I have trust in you then ICQ me and i'll fill you in.
Wordpress is installed and theme designed for each site. All I need now is content.
The three sites are (1) stopping file lockers (2) stopping file sharing sites (3) stopping cyberlockers (4) stopping file hosts
I would like to have professionally written content produced from mediapiston.com and each article costs $15 for around 500 words.
If people would like to contribute to the costs of having these articles written, or if anyone wants to write authoritative articles themselves then please get in touch with me.
I need articles which explain to the general public what these sites are, why they are a scourge to content production, why they are havens for illegal content, how they profit from premium memberships and how they pay and reward uploaders.