Originally Posted by AdultKing
I'm sorry I don't follow your logic. Paypal until today have been recalcitrant and unwilling to face up to the issue. How on earth is criticizing Paypal for processing for illegal content crossing the line ?
I will try to clarify it for you.
"Originally Posted by AdultKing
However he did not seem to get the fact that these sites are so uncontrollable in what can be uploaded and shared that even if there is no violation today, there could be tomorrow."
You reasoning for paypal getting rid of all file lockers, even the legitimate ones, is that just because there is no violation of copyrights today doesn't mean that there won't be some tomorrow. You are already convicting legitimate businesses of something that has not happened yet but that might happen in the future.
Rather than going after those who are in violation and promote the distribution of illegal content with financial compensation to those who upload and promote the uploads, you're lumping everyone together. This is a VERY dangerous precedent to be setting.
It is akin to going to CCBill and saying, hey, since porn site X, Y, and Z have content that they shouldn't, we feel that you should terminate processing for ALL porn sites...because if a porn site doesn't have questionable content today they might tomorrow. I'm all for taking down the file lockers who deserve to be taken down...but going after legitimate ones, which is what you're after by wanting paypal to disallow ALL file lockers, is overboard.