Originally Posted by AdultKing
Sounds to me like you are upset about the file locker issue for some reason ?
Where else is he going to get his child abuse videos? Did you see the little girl getting kicked in his sig? I don't see how anyone finds that funny, nor does it belong on an adult forum.
Originally Posted by AdultKing
Can you get that crap huge sig out of my fucking thread. thx.
Originally Posted by Gozarian
Calling someone a hypocrite is almost always an ad hominem fallacy. It is also specifically referred to as an ad hominem tu quoque. It is deceiving and misleading. For example, if DWB claims that smoking cigarettes is wrong, and Gozarian tries to rebut it by accusing DWB of smoking cigarettes, Gozarian has made an ad hominem tu quoque fallacy. The fact that DWB smokes cigarettes does not disprove the claim that smoking cigarettes is wrong.
You can not make sense to forehead Franck. He is a troll who lives in the past.