Originally Posted by AdultKing
I'll let others make judgements on whether enough has been contributed or not.
Considering that, before your efforts, the most anyone could manage to do is gripe on GFY about this shit on almost a daily basis, or make new threads about it repeating the same yoke, attack Fabian and his hoodie..... in short, a lot of do-nothing.
Once someone actually started moving on any of these issues, I would have thought "the industry" would have rallied behind them, and charged forward. It seems that the most that "the industry" can do is post new threads on a forum, and throw you a few kudos.
I do applaud the volunteers who may not have any money, and are donating their time to your cause for the greater good. However, considering the number of people who've
posted this thread, or those in the past who've created endless "cry for me Argentina" posts about piracy/tubes/Manwin how they have been forced back to a fry-o-lator job, or can't compete any longer... I simply would have ASSumed that more of this industry, especially the cry babies, could throw you a few bucks for your efforts.
People who want to complain about piracy, tubes, Fabian and the rest need to realize that