Originally Posted by Axeman
Let me know when you start up your tube crusade campaign, and I'll be sure to support your cause as well. I won't hold my breathe though.
You're never going to see that. I've been in this biz since 1996. I'm adapting instead of dying. AK is an attention whore looking to stay on the front page as long as possible and doing a great job of it. Vthays fine, but guess what? Tubes aren't going away. File sharing isn't going away. Ever. Not to mention, one big tube takes more views than every file share in the world put together. You guys sit here yanking each others cixks, you have no fuxking idea what's up in this industry anymore. What the fuxk ever. Im sitting in Mandalay bay on my cell with a hot asian vitch passed out next to me, when I wake up I'll keep doing what has to be done. Wake the fuck up. If you're not rich already, bitching like some nickel n dime tool over small potatoes like file shares isn't ginna help you.