Originally Posted by AdultKing
Paypal have consistently said they aren't going to disallow file lockers with their AUP. I disagree with them, however given the business model of sites like DropBox I can see their point of view.
The key here is to identify file lockers that deliberately take advantage of the DMCA takedown revolving door.
If a file locker is serious about cleaning up it's act then it can simply prohibit anyone from posting to warez and piracy sites, if it did that and deleted files placed on such sites then it would become very difficult for the pirates.
We'll act on any site which is seen to be supported by or promoting the use of their service by pirates.
Well said.
Yes, these file lockers rely heavily on the revolving DMCA loophole.
In the heyday about a 1-2 years ago apparently some of the filelockers would simply delete pointers to the files and an uploader just had to reset them.