I've been promoting an all natural Sexual Performance Enhancement Called Mr Encore. The sales have been pretty good so far. I do have to add, that my husband knows the owners of the company. He himself has taken the stuff and became an unpaid spokesperson for the company, as he loves the stuff. I like it too, as he is bigger and harder when he takes the stuff. I especially like it when he takes the stuff when we perform any live shows, as he never goes soft during the show. I know they have an affiliate program, but I don't know if they have a different site for it, or if they just use the main site they have. But try this link and I know they have an affiliate link at the bottom of the page.
http://trymisterencorefree.com My husband has their banner on his blog and I know he does well promoting them as well. Great upsell
If you do join up for their affiliate program, please be sure to tell them Barbi sent you.
Hope this helps some of you,