Originally Posted by FShoppe
AdultKing, you really a showing how foolish you are. You cannot download anything from those links you provided. If you can't be bothered to do a simple 1 minute check, that's not really my fault or my problem. The pages are generated on the fly. If downloads are not possible, you simply will NOT see the 'Download' buttons.
What I see is a file name, file size, Price then a banner beneath the heading "Premium Mirrors" which says Try Premium for Free, which then opens up a Carrot Pay wallet pop up window.
So you certainly give the impression the file is there and provide the opportunity to sign up. This brings you benefit fom the infringing link to infringing content.
You can paint this however you like, there is NO CLEAR INDICATION the file does not exist!
Seriously, I would encourage anyone who believes AdultKing to simply check! I have even offered AdultKing a cash reward if he can find any real number of copyright infringing links.
We'll post a nice long list.
We have already taken down what we can obviously see is copyright infringing. But as I said, if people cannot even be bothered to let us know of an abusive client, then that's really not our problem.
Wrong. What you host is your problem whether it's reported to you or not. You are solely responsible for what is on your servers. You blaze attitude to this part of the underlying problem. You simply show no concern about profiting from piracy.
No where do we offer signups. And unless a file is downloadable, there is NOTHING to buy. If you know so much about us, how can you not know the most basic things about us. The ONLY way we can make money is through sales of individual files. We do not sell memberships, we do not sell credit. How can we monetize it?
So the banner we see which takes us to Carrot ewallet is just a figment of our imagination ?
And I repeat, THE FILES WERE REMOVED LONG AGO. Just check!
As stated above we can't tell when you offer file name, file size and price.
I don't know who copy control are, but if they are a responsible and proper authority, then I'm sure we can grant them full read access. Just not you :-). You've already proved you're not a reasonable person by continuing to post inactive links claiming they are active.
Copy Control is the organization which runs the Stop File Lockers campaign.
You can say this as many times as you like. It doesn't make it true. The files are not accessible.
You're entirely missing the point, if you're offering people the chance to sign up from the file page rather than simply displaying a message saying the file does not exist then you are benefiting from piracy. The file was there, people link to it on pricy sites and you get sign ups as a result.
Yet more evidence of you knowing very little about our system.
The pages are generated on the fly. We do not rely on a database back end and therefore it is not a simple matter of deleting a record from the database. There are an infinite number of download pages now if you can work out the encoding mechanism we use to generate URLs. But this does not mean that file exists or has ever existed on our servers. Our system was built like this so we do not have a single point of failure and so that our files can be distributed throughout our CDN with having to deal with some silly file management system.
With no database back end you're going to have a lot of trouble handling infringements aren't you ? How do you prevent repeat I infringement ? How do you track anything with no database back end ?
And I repeat, FileShoppe never used Paypal, and actually it doesn't fit our business model.
You accepted Paypal via Carrot for Micropayments.