FShoppe unless someone permanently checks every upload, you don't know what you are supplying and billing via Paypal.
We do not supply billing via Paypal. FileShoppe has been around for around 14 months and we have always used CarrotPay exclusively. CarrotPay has not had Paypal for very long. We had hoped that Paypal would increase our market appeal. I guess we'll never know.
And no we do not check every single upload. That would not be reasonable.
Could be pirated, porn, cp, illegal in any way or just breaking Paypal's Terms and Conditions.
Indeed pirates material is against our TOS. Technically adult content is not strictly forbidden, but would it become the policy of CarrotPay that adult material is not allowed, we would certainly comply.
If every file on your server is checked, how did these get through?
We do NOT check every file. This particular set of files are not obvious cases of copyright infringement. First, they have reasonably obscure file names. Second, there are 3 parts. It is unreasonable to expect a host to inspect individual files and then combine!
These for example, still there after you knowing about them for 24 hours.
They were online yesterday. We were informed and they were removed mere hours after being informed via this forum. They are NOT there now.