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Old 09-07-2012, 04:18 AM  
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You should return a clear message stating that the file has been removed.
I'll recommend it to the developer. But you know you should make suggestions like this instead of make FALSE claims as you have.

The $1 promotional offer is not out of the goodness of your heart, it is to generate business via new users. At some point you would expect these users to pay for content, so you *are* benefiting from piracy in the case of someone signing up after following a pirate link.
I'm struggling to understand your inability to understand. Of course we want people to try our services, so we give away $1 to see how easy it is and how well it works. This is the same as any host offering a 15 day free trial. But ultimately, we cannot make any money if the file is not for sale. So we cannot benefit if the file is gone.

If anyone benefits from piracy, it's anti-piracy companies that take a fee to submit take down requests. Why don't you go pick on them? Or are you one of them? Your site exists only because piracy exists. You accept paypal and actively encourage people to donate to you. So you benefit from piracy in the same way we 'benefit'. FileShoppe is not a profit making business so really we see no benefit.

You should display a plain message indicating that the file has gone, without offering a chance to sign up to your system that says Premium Mirrors above it, it gives the impression the file can be downloaded.
Will take your suggestion to display a message under advisement. However, even IF we did benefit from people signing up to Carrot (which we DONT), what would the big deal be. All that would happen would be a criminal (someone who wants to get cheap content illegally) loses some money. If anything, that's the biggest deterrent to use our system for piracy.

As for your othe points, you claim we have had no impact on your business so what we do does not concern you, so there's not much point you continuing your rants. You do what you do but don't be surprised that we hall do what we do.
Well you are spreading lies about us and our payment gateway. You are affecting everyone that takes CarrotPay as a payment method (assuming you are responsible for getting their Paypal taken down). And if yo are responsible for taking down that Paypal account mentioned on WJ that is NOT used with FileShoppe, then your actions are affecting another company which is engaged in purely legal activities.

You care not for the innocent people you adversely affect (I'm not talking about FileShoppe) under the guise of anti-piracy.

But what surprises me most, is your gloating over how 'much' you know and that you cannot disclose it until the operation is over. What a bunch of BS. You know jack-all! FileShoppe is a tiny TINY unknown service provider. If you really have some complex operation and diverting resources to 'take us down' you are wasting what little resources you have available. If you really knew anything about us, you would know we are not worth pursuing. But be my guest. Pursue all you like.

What bothers us is that you are spreading lies about us which may prevent legitimate use of our services. And your public declarations of us being a safe harbour for copyright content will only encourage MORE uploaders to upload that kind of content to us.

Makes no sense to me.
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