Originally Posted by Robbie
So you have no answer again GrantMercury.
I asked you why you wouldn't vote Libertarian. Gary Johnson has made his stand VERY clear.
Libertarians in general are little Republicans - with the exception that they want the right to smoke pot, and don't particularly care about abortion and gay marriage. Most of them are highly self-congratulatory, and will tell you that they were abandoned in the forest and raised by wolves - flatly denying that they've ever had any help from anyone in their life. They refuse to see that they're part of a larger society. They generally think selfishness is a virtue. I've found most Libertarians I've talked to are young, and healthy, and generally have fairly limited life experience. Life has a way of humbling us. When things fall apart (and they always do at some point) it can be a learning experience. It wakes us up. We learn nobody is an island. We're interdependent.