Originally Posted by GrantMercury
Of course, anyone who wants a FAIR tax system is a "Socialist" to asswipes like you. Anyone who thinks it's fucking outrageous that quarter-million Mitt pays 13% while the rest of us make up the difference by paying twice that is a "Communist" right?
You're right about America being a great place to start a business - but you turn into a teabagger when you think it's ok jip the country you love so much once you've got your fortune, by stashing your America-made profits offshore, and lobbying for break after break until you pay little if any taxes at all. Grateful you live in America? Appreciate the business climate? Great. So put a smile on your face, pay taxes, and realize we are a society.
You're free to earn your money the exact same way mitt does and pay 15% on it.
You're just not smart enough to.
So you whine like the uneducated failure you are that your betters should pay more of your way for you.