Originally Posted by Naughty-Pages
I was unaware that things like Medicare or Social Security were hand outs...
They aren't supposed to be handouts...but they are in a lot of cases and if Democrats have their way it will be even more so.
For instance...my wife's mother was killed when my wife was just a baby. Her mom was 20 years old.
My wife and both of her brothers then proceeded to receive monthly Social Security checks until they all 3 turned 18.
That was a "handout". And it happens all the time.
And now I have seen Democrats suggesting that
1. Social Security be "means tested". Which means that even though you may have paid in to "your" social security all of your life...if you are rich when you retire, you don't get it. They haven't done this YET. But it's seriously being considered as a way to "save" Social Security.
2. Raising the cutoff point on paying Social Security taxes. So that "rich" people will pay in even MORE money to it. Basically making it plain out welfare.