Ok, you know what Nalem? Fuck you in the neck. Who the fuck do you think you are by starting this thread with this epic line?
The Red carpet was a cluster fu*k choked with people who has no reason to walk the line.
The industry is made up of all kinds of people in front and behind the camera. You have zero credibility and now you think you can shit on people too?
Here's another thing: Some IDIOT in a NALEM SHIRT did not stop fucking around with his camera during the Billing Seminar at Xbiz. He sat in the front row, and couldn't figure out why his pictures were too dark. Why? His camera was turned sideways with his Flash pointing away from his subject (the panel). This person sat there for over 25 minutes while he shot, adjusted, shot, scractched his head, and blinded the left side of the audience with his stupid flash. CLEARLY UNPROFESSIONAL. He was pissing off the panel and everyone else around him. I regret not saying anything at the time.