Originally Posted by GAH
Word and fear circulates, it can even make national news, and if just one was made an example of, the court details shared, the humiliation and compensation, and the publicity spread on all the forums, it would stop so many individuals from thinking of pirating content ever again, or downloading content. Getting service providers to put a block on sites is probably the only solution that can end all pirating for good, or the fear that any download could contain a virus, trojan etc ? that always helps.
People have gone to jail for piracy, Rudy Corella was up to his neck with Elite Torrents which once broken open by the Department of Justice led to one Daniel Dove receiving a prison sentence.
Now a few years later Rudy Corella runs UltraMegaBit.com and owes the State of Washington hundreds of thousands of dollars for other misdemeanours.
The only thing that these criminals understand is taking their money away and that's what we are about. We work relentlessly to disrupt the ability of these sites to moneitize, we have their funds frozen, we make them move from payment processor to payment processor and this tactic is the only tactic that can work.
The motivator for commercial piracy is money, so we're working to take the money away.
Criminal proceedings, loss of face, fines and so on is just icing on the cake.