Originally Posted by DigitalPimp
I am missing payments for the last three periods. While awaiting word, if there are still any other DHDRevEx affiliates out there, have you received payments for the last three periods?
I used to get checks every week from DHDRevEx until Amateur Allure switched over to MPA3,4,5,6,7,8 or whatever the fuck it is.
Now I don't get any checks at all from either of them!
Now, to answer your question, I received a $40 (YAY!) cheque from DHDRevEx last month. I have NO FUCKING IDEA how they arrived at $40. I only had ancient links for Wifey Cash and Cum on Dagny.
They used to be my number four sponsor behind GloBill, Sypro, and Lancelot Billing. I wonder what EVER happened to DHDRevEx? Hmmm...