Originally Posted by robwod
I said it earlier... but if it were up to me, there would be no bumping allowed at all. And if someone "needs" more than one thread or needs it at the top of the forum, I think Eric should charge them a listing fee like any other sponsor does on this board (paying for a sticky).
So you are saying I can make a thread but I can never bump it again?
My thread in time will just fade away, then what? Do I recreate the same thread again and again after the allotted time has allowed me too?
That doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by robwod
Frankly, I think it's amazing how so many people complain about a forum provided to them for free -- in which they can make money -- and still want more without paying for it.
First off, a forum usually makes money on its sponsored ads.
The more traffic, the more money.
But that aside, lets talk about paying for more threads.
In another forum I post in they allow 2 Active Free threads in the Sell and Buy area at any one time to members.
If you want to create another thread you then have Close one of your two threads (closing threads would need to be allowed)
If a member wants to post 4 threads at any one time they pay $5 a month or $40 a year.
If a member wants to post 6 threads at any one time they pay $10 a month or $80 a year.
Once again, to post a new thread after you have reached you maximum thread count you would need to close one of your threads (again, closing threads would need to be allowed)
I pay the $40 a year in the other forum and I always have 4 active threads.
They also allow 1 bump every 24hrs, if the bump is less then 24hrs it gets deleted.
Now, if I am paying for my threads then i should be allowed to bump them once ever 24hrs.
You can put more bumping restrictions on the members with Free threads.
This method along with separate Sell and Buy forums or Subforums for domains, content and everything else would solve a lot of problems and generate more revenue for GFY.
A Win Win for everybody