Originally Posted by johnnyloadproductions
If you have questions, read back through this thread as they will be answered to how this campaign was making a difference.
I don?t really have questions. I?ve read the entire thread. In fact I joined this site because I was excited about this tread. Finally something might change I thought.
All I?m doing now is giving you guys my perspective. If you?re going to solicit donations from a certain group, you need to make sure that your goal is to help that group. And helping that group in this case is stopping the pirates that earn a living off other peoples work. How is that measured? By the DMCA?a being sent out on large boards is one way. If DMCAs being sent out has not changed, then what you?re doing is not helping your target audience. You can say you?ve shut down 15000 file lockers. But being able to say you prevent 15000 DMCAs every day would carry a lot more weight with your targeted audience. It?s not hard for a site owner to look at the boards out there and see that nothing has changed for them. Their content is still being pirated just like it was a year and half ago. Same boards, same pirates. Only thing that?s changed is the file locker and the email address DMCAs are sent to.
I really do appreciate Aks efforts. And anyone who helped in this. I?m sure you did a lot more than I and many more out there.
I wish everyone who was involved in the campaign the best. And hope they keep fighting the good fight in whatever they do in the future.