Originally Posted by Tube Ace
Paully, please tell me what did not work as advertised. Feel free to post any URLs or screenshots, emails, ICQ logs. As I recall, I gracefully helped you with numerous customizations none of which I was paid additionally or even asked for that matter.
I really don't want to go back a year and a half to dig those emails up but I will.
My main issue was importing videos from it's own server which would lock the script up due to mod security because it called on an absolute url instead of calling the video locally if ANY folder on the server was pass protected.
I know it was designed to scrape stolen videos from freetubes but I told you I was building a paysite and hosting my own content.
That was just off the top of my head but don't be afraid to throw order by name up in that script once in a while. Having the channel pulldown's with random results was irritating but I figured it out.
Bottom line is you need to pick up your customer service game. Now Im not mad at you, just am disappoint and apparently I'm not the only one.