First of all hi to all you webmasters out there.
My name is Jimmy Chung and i am co-developer of a new wordpress plugin called "WP Bulk Editor". I'm not sure if there are a lot of webmasters on GFY using wordpress, but a friend referred me to GFY, so here i am.
I won't be doing a massive salespitch, since i am a webmaster too, and i hate reading heaps of text myself. So in short:
We developed a very very userfriendly plugin to bulk edit wordpress posts and pages. You export by clicking 1 button, you open excell (or any other xls editing program), and you can edit, add, remove, change, find/replace etc the most important fields of ALL of your pages/posts straight away. Use it once, and you will notice how fucking fast you can work. Use it to update old posts, add new posts, update you seo tags, keywords, change stuff around. 1 button to import again and boom you are golden. Can also be used to backup a site, work offline, etcetcetc.
Find out how:
WP Bulk Editor
Oh and feedback is appreciated! We would love to continue developing this and adding more features for paying customers in the near future!
And if you REALLY hate reading, here's a little video with me whistling while working:
Im available for questions here, or just pm me!