Well said Robert! That site was created for and will always be about piracy. It was started by a internet piracy network, but we both know the history. It will always be about piracy!
Lead by example, I can say I made my anti-piracy message clear regularly there. I never professed to being a pirate but I had a back history, built for a reason, that was trustworthy and managed to get the trust of a few upper level persons on the site.
There are screenshots of me scolding users complaining about not getting money for stolen content. I find it hilarious that no one figured out my end game with posts like that being made.
In the end my digging in the back end of the site and the solicitation of clients to open UT were discovered. They did not realize what was happening beside UT or that we had an organized group in place for a long time collecting information and data.
We have more surprises coming, there is bound to be more mud slinging also. Some people are having trouble with a 3 letter username as is with the gizmodo article posted about me and UT so we know we have destabilized their world.
Of note we have released just a little more about our group and it's efforts here:
Maybe some of my post here begin to make sense, someone almost outed me 50 or so pages back. If Robbie ever decides to read this because he ignored me, Thanks for not pushing to hard Robbie now you know why I refused to answer your questions.
You can like me or hate me, the fact is we are effective at the tasks required to achieve goals, our methods are edgy, so are the other sides. Some of you know this from their business with the NP group already. We have private actions ongoing as well.