I need to make something very clear, something I posted a long time ago in this thread. In August last year I said....
Originally Posted by AdultKing
Personally I don't believe hacking is an answer and I don't condone it.
Two wrongs do not make a right and I would personally discourage any person from taking such action.
We have enough legal means at our disposal to deal with these sites without resorting to illegal tactics.
Copy Control and the Stop File Lockers project will not work with hackers. We will not be involved in any so called anti-piracy group that uses illegal means to gain information.
Using MySQL injection, accessing accounts where people use the same passwords, dealing in unlawfully obtained databases and so forth is not a part of our ethos and never will be.
There has been recent media reports about UploaderTalk.com being a honeypot, however the fact is that the person operating that site was accepting payments from file lockers for advertising and furthermore was a disaffected WJunction staff member who has a history of running piracy sites.
Now it may be that they have changed their ways, however we do not support this group and have no official ties with it.
Using the tactics that have been used by these people to start an anti-piracy company is dubious at best and I would advise extreme caution in dealing with people of the progeny of hacking and running warez sites.
This is all I have to say on this matter. There is no doubt the antics of these people have been interesting to watch, however at the end of the day their activities are unlawful and our ethos is to act within the law.