Do you really expect us to know every website on the net that could possibly have infringing content? Give it a rest man. We don't answer to you. We follow the law, not your weird version of it. I know you may have a lot of questions you want answered, but the truth of the matter is, who are you? Nobody that we need to answer to, or conform our business to. When you've passed some new laws on the way DMCA is handled, then we might listen to you, but until then, you are nobody. So, stop pretending to be somebody.
To all potential clients of Adultking. Think twice before sending a donation. Do you see real copyright enforcement agencies behaving in this manner? Posting alleged copyright infringing links on a public forum? And alleged rape videos on a public forum? If those files are indeed illegal, he has broken the law. No, because they are professional, and don't let anger get in the way of running a business. He has no class, nor business ethics. Spend your money wisely. Use a company that you wont have to fear being part of a criminal lawsuit as an accomplice to Adultkings illegal activities. One such as Nate Glass of
Takedownpiracy. Thank you.