Originally Posted by jódete
ppl are not contributing thousands of dollars to google, they are to ak. the least bobby can do is compile a simple fucking list.
what bobbys saying is keep stuffing his pockets with donation cash an his way of saying thanks is fuck off, you fools that donated aint getting a god damn thing from me.
There are much better methods to get money than masquerading and scamming people out of mere thousands of dollars.
I'm convinced enough to give a monthly $100 recurring.
Originally Posted by rogueteens
to be honest, I cannot see any reason why you wouldn't want to share it unless you didn't want to give it out to potential pirates - or I could just be daft and I'm missing something really obvious. But as you are obviously the expert in this field, I'd be grateful if you could share with me the sites most likely to be used when sharing on a forum (even if its only the top five or 10 sites that would be great - PM me please, if you don't want even that small list public).
Just use Jdownloader: