For me, the lecture was more of an expose on how the system is set up and run rather than a *next time I find myself getting interrogated, ahem, I mean interviewed by the police, keep my trap shut*.
That said, I learned much from the police officer's talk, while brash, he was very forthcoming re: how police can use psychology and such. Interesting that 25% of people exonerated due to dna evidence via the innocence project had confessed to a crime they never committed. One guy had simply mailed the police with ideas on how to catch a certain criminal. The police officer talked about how that happens, I was fascinated by the mind games he said they use.
He went further to mention how someone being interviewed very much wants to get out of that room, the police not so much, overtime is apparently big bucks. He said most cops are very happy to collect it.
L-Pink, y'all have some fucked up laws in Florida eh! Maybe the state should change its motto to "Welcome to Florida, don't talk to the police, but first talk to the police to tell them you are not talking to them." derp.