Originally Posted by Dirty F
What you are left with is an instant payment system with near 0 fees, no chargebacks and anonymous payments. But fuck that right, who would want that if you can accept credit cards for 15% and all the problems that come with it.
There are really only 3 things that keep me on the Internet
1) Keeping my eye on piracy.
2) Knowing who I should or should not trust in the porn industry
3) Boredom
We started abandoning digital based productions a while ago. To that effect this year we will be even dumping our DVDs. So as part of the monetization process of our products we only deal in cash from the customers and either checks or bank transfers from industry clients. So now charge backs, fees, etc. are just a worry of the past for us.
I see bitcoin and crypto curriences much in the same way I see all tech. Once you start going down the road to dependance on the tech you enter into an arms race. It can be disgustingly unpredictable and you can never be too sure about the people you deal with. In the old days the porn rumour mill was bad
(and I still say that the porn biz gossip played a big part in the suicide of cal jammer.) But today's webmasters are a 100xs worst, willing to cut each other's balls out for pennies.
(or often just for fun)
From what I can see bitcoin is based on a similar game of web-ego popularity. Personally I prefer to invest my money in things such as my neighbor's plan to open a classic motorcycle restoration garage. For me investing in people yeilds far better long term profits.