Originally Posted by DamianJ
So % of the 40% your sales have increased by thanks to AK are you giving him?
Even more than the increase, I'd say the removal of easy payment methods from piracy is partly responsible for us not seeing a yearly decrease. And because this is bigger than AK, I would also include CCBill dropping filelockers too as important. Paypal and briefly CCBill appearing on filelockers was part of the BOOM period of lockers and forums, where I watched a lot of our competitors get torn to pieces and stop making new sites as the pirates made easy money. If that had continued, I think we'd be fighting for air every week. I watched some of our oldest and best members migrate to the filelocker ecosystem in that time, and many are still there, begging for uploads every week to whatever specific locker they've risked putting their credit card into. But we're slowly starting to recover. 20% growth is good, but it's not easy street.
Now if you don't mind, I'll dip out of this public conversation.