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Old 04-18-2014, 12:17 AM  
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hi valued readers,

befor I send tonns of mails, or explain dozends of people in skype, why they can not get this traffic for 0,003 US - I will explain you what we are doing and why the traffic we have is different.

for this we have to go back in the time about 17 years, when i started in the adult biz as a normal ad-publisher (as many other did).

in that time the internet was young and had only a few million customers.

the price for a click in that time was up to 0,50 US per click and I can not remember, that we ever had more clicks available as advertisers wanted.

then internet went more and more popular, and with the lower price for surfing the audience changed. but also the number of competitors was growing rapidly.

that means, the value of each click became less (what was natural) but the number of new customers had more choices - so the unique webside did not rise up their audience the same as internet was growing.

for a publisher this win of users was a lost in revenew per user.

that was the time, when spammers, skimmers, trickers and brainloosers got the idea, to compensate the lower revenew per user, with simply MORE USERS - no matter if they have them or not.

the result was, that advertisers did not monetize their ads and had to cut their per-user price again, what was followed by even more skimmed, tricked and unnatural users.

the longterm thinking publishers, who did not want to break the rules had only 2 choices:

1. stop to be a publisher and be an affiliate
2. start to learn, how to sell fake traffic

I choosed the 3rd way - and I was starting my own affiliate programm in 2001.

but to run a own programm also means, that one have to deal with traffic (as an advertiser) - so i saw the disaster every day becoming worse and worse.

3,5 years ago I decided, that now is time to go back to my roots - but not as only a publisher and not only as an advertiser - i also wanted to have a plattform, what is able to deal with REAL and HUMAN adult-traffic.

the philosopies of this programm are:

1. an advertiser can not spend more money as he is able to make with his ads
2. a publisher OR affiliate webmaster is not able to test ALL available on the market and so he will never find out what is the best. out of that, it should not be a webmasters work to find that out. his job is to bring interessted audience to his sites and give the ability to professional marketers to make something out of it.
3. if we speak from REAL HUMAN TRAFFIC, there is no bad traffic - there is only a bad media buyer or planer, who do not not understand his job.
4. a publisher or affiliate, can not be responsable for not working paygates or bad and
unprofessional service and contents after the user have joined. thatīs the part of an advertiser to make his product so good, that he can make profit with the traffic he buys.
any webmaster who is working on a revshare base should be aware of the fact, that he not only share the revenew (if there is any) - he also shares the risk on a product, where he does not have influence.
5. an advertiser can only filter roughly the traffic - he can never say, that on side a are customers and on side b there are NO. who can say, that a user what looks at lesbian content is NOT a user for trannies or a potential dating customer ? who can say, that even a user what is looking on a gay site is only gay ? he can be bisexual and I can tell you from my own experience, that i made tonns of sales for mainstream offers on gay sites.

so at the end, it is the result what is the base of advertising expenses. and IF there is one who have better results then the other - FINE!!!!: THAT IS WHAT DARVIN MEANT !!!

so what is that different on our plattform ?

first of all it is programmed on our philosopy. it is a selflearning system without chance to fraud it.

how is this working?

well - please accept, that i will not talk about technical features, because the software we use is very exclusive custom made, and it took 3,5 years of programming work and a huge few of hundertthousand euros of investment.

but the basic is, that the system is learning on itīs own, where the interessted audience of an ad is.

each single adspot in the system is evaluated around the clock and the system learns, based on the clickrate of an ad, in proportion to the systemwide rate, where advertisers ads (and wich one) are getting attention.

the system also calculates an estimated clickrate of EACH SPOT in the system in relevance to the ads showing. if this clickrate is overdrawn, the clicks still get delivered to the advertiser but he will not pay for them.
so it does not make sense to trick the clicks, because nobody will have a win on it.

sure - publishers will not be happy on the first view, because they always think, that IT CAN HAPPEN, that a rate is overdrwan on a natural way.
YES - IT CAN - but it does not matter when you see it with the logic eyes of an advertiser:

as our system is a bidsystem (knowing from adsense) an advertiser want to have the maximum on traffic as the lowest possible price.

letīs say he calculates the value of one single user with 100 dollars. if he needs 1000 clicks for reaching that, he is able to spend 0,10 per click.

now letīs say our system would be that stupid and deliver him 1000 clicks but only charge him 500 clicks for being daft. now this advertiser could higher his bidprice to 0,20 and get even more traffic. who lost ? NOBODY !!!

our system is working for a equitable situation for all. our publishers want to make money, and they do it with selling clicks. so the system does not only look at the bidprice of an ad, it also looks at the clickrate (on an individual spot) and the clickrate of an ad.

if there is an ad, with a maximum bid of 0,05 per click and a clickrate of 0,5% and another bid with 0,07 per click and a clickrate of 0,25% our system will prefer the ad with the lower bid but higher clickrate. if the concurenting advertiser want to get this click he can either uplaod better clicked ads or higher the max-price to 0,10.

but lets stay on this example for a moment and lets say, the concurenting with 0,25% clickrate would set to 0,12. in that case the advertiser with the lower clickrate would get the view, but he would not pay 0,12 - he would pay 0,105, because the system will only take the minimum advantage for itself and the best possible price for an advertiser.

so what else is different?

one of the reasons why we can realize such a system is, that a big part of the traffic is from our own sites. publishers can not signup automaticly. all publishers in the system are guys, what i know personally for a long time, and I know, that they understand our philosophy and work along with that.

we do NOT have the big numbers at the moment, because of the strict rules we have. our idea is, to grow slowly and sell the best possible RON traffic for the price of itīs REAL value.

so please donīt ask me for prices like 0,003 for a really qualified click. i buy the international traffic from my publishers at the moment for 0,01 ?, send it blind somewhere and get at least my money back, because i do not have time for making campains for several products an countries. and we do not have that much, that it will be worth it to employ a specialist for that.

if you are interessted to know more about it, please contact me on skype "momothommy" or visit

please excuse my english, it is not my motherlanguage - i am a german, living in spain and thailand. and surley some of you know me (the guy with the crazy jackets and glasses) or will meet me in may at mallorca EWT or at my famous party after EWT.

hot greez from VERY HOT thailand

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