Originally Posted by 8pt-buck
My clients demand proof.
You're not my client, nor a part of my constituency.
Makes one wonder if I was to launch a anti-piracy company, how would I begin.
{-} First I would name it
{-} Fill the pages with other anti-piracy companies accomplishments
{-} Obtain a proxy server (thirty ips would suffice)
{-} Create numerous unheard of file lockers/Fictitious who-is info
(No paypal, Visa/MC but advertise them)
{-} Download copyrighted content
{-} Create upload accounts on numerous file lockers
{-} Upload copyrighted content on to those lockers using my proxies
(Notify Paypal, Visa/MC of copyrighted content)
{-} Send official emails of my findings to the contents copyright holders
(My attempt to fish in clients to support me)
{-} Create a channel on GFY bragging success terminating payment processors/Paypal, shutting down my own fictitious file lockers, begging for money
{-} Use GFY as a blog/chat box.
(Psss, ak I have info / pssss, send it to copycontrol)
Fish in gullible/naive outsiders to support me. The remaining supporters are my people using one of the thirty IPs. If questioned, I'll call them a pirate/have excuses for everything.
If that's how you would do it, then you'd be a fraud.
Are you suggesting we have created file lockers, use proxy accounts, downloaded and uploaded copyright content and then somehow orchestrated their shutdown ?
This is almost as ridiculous as the file locker owners of Keep2Share who are suggesting we created fake billing companies to give them a higher than normal fraud to sale ratio.
It stands out a mile that you are one of just a very few people who will at every breath, attempt to discredit our project - why is that ?