Originally Posted by DamianJ
No. Sorry you are struggling with this. I mean EVIDENCE that you have done anything.
What would satisfy you Damian.
If you look at the Stop File Lockers blog I said we would target FileOM and two days later they lost merchant processing. Is that ESP ?
Same thing with Keep2Share, we said we would go after them and 2 days later no merchant accounts.
If you look again you'll see I said we would target Xerver and a day later they lost 3 forms of payment processing.
If you look today you'll see there's a very big post about a new File Locker, Yonzy - in a couple of days they won't have payment processing.
Way back in the thread I said there was big news coming about a large site - a few days later Hotfile was deprived of Paypal, was that ESP also ?
There's not much we can provide you that won't expose either our methods or who we deal with to achieve what we do, so you tell me, what would satisfy you ?