Originally Posted by ag2384
What advice might you all be able to give me, maybe a broker? Should I spend a little cash on adverts with anyone on GFY? I have no traffic to "trade" Maybe promised links back to their sites?
Finally, how long until I think about affiliates programs etc? All advice is appreciated and feel free to shoot me an email!
First start with a little SEO, search engine traffic is free. You should have better titles on the pages. Your home page title should not just be carnalit.com. Use something like Hot Erotic Sex Stories at Carnalit.com. Get keywords in there and the site name.
Some people say a keywords meta tag and description meta tag don't matter anymore. I disagree personally so use them, good keyword metas and a good description help as far as I'm concerned.
Put some pictures i with all your text. Choose images that go with the story line. Make sure that at least one good pic appeares for each xstory on the home page. Then have other pics appropriately placed within each story. Myself, I would have each picture linked to a sponsor possibly with a caption that says "pic provided by [sponsor] with some good keyword text following it to avoid pissing off sponsors that don't like blind links.
You should already be passing hits to sponsors. Since you aren't start doing it. They can provide the pics or your stories.
Thats about all I have to offer. Remember I could be wrong as I often am:p
Welcome to the board.