I ordered several boxes of penis shaped dildos from China. When the mail truck pulled up I was outside and the mailman carried one of the boxes up the driveway and said there are several more. So I went back to the truck to help him. One of the boxes was poorly taped shut and it split open and cock dildos spilled out and bounced all over the place. Some in the truck, some out on the street. The mailman just stood there looking at me like a deer caught in the headlights. Then I started gathering them up and putting them back in the box, but a few rolled behind a stack of boxes in his truck. In a panic I told him to just leave them there, but he was telling me how he couldn't do that. So this guy is bent over a stack of boxes trying to fish out the dildos with the tips of his fingers and then he gets back up and I see that he has a very noticable boner. Got all of the dildos cleaned up and boxes put in the house. Then three hours later he is at my front door saying he found another dildo. I take it but he just kind of stands there. I can't really explain why, but I let him come in.