Hi to all,
I thought that would be nice listing all my services for an adult website created in wordpress:
- Tubeace interation in any tube theme - $25 (with default pornstars list ,no thumbs)
- Creating Pornstars List page with the thumbnails and Pornstar taxonomy with the list of videos for every pornstar - $30
- Tranforming your actual theme-tube in responsive design - $70
- wp-tube-plugin compatibility - $18
- Creating a photo gallery in your actual theme - $20
- HTML to Wordpress - Starts from 30$ (depends from the template)
- Cloning a site and converting into wordpress - Starts from 50$ (depends from the site)
- Including and styling bbpress - 20$
- Users registration system using buddypress and styling - 30$
- Creating a Theme Settings Panel for you theme - $15
- Footer Links Encoding in a proffessional mode - $15
- And backlinks (for this servive we can talk in private).