Hello all . Here we are at the final voting round, A lot of you don't know what to vote in the Best Cam Studio of the Year section. (
http://gfyawards.com/vote/115 ) I just wanted to present you the new concept of this category as many of you allready work with some cam studios and we have our doors open for colaboration.. We are on the market from 2007 and still expanding our business. The new Glamour Studio that I'm presenting you , is honored to prezent you the concept ( 90% is ready ) . We are open for anyone who would like to colaborate with us regarding the adult traffic. You can vote -
http://gfyawards.com/vote/115 - Glamour Studio .
Thank you for your support and we know that we can count on your vote.
Any feedback is well received .
http://gfyawards.com/vote/115 - Glamour Studio .