Originally Posted by TheSquealer
Another thing to consider... if you want to be interesting to women. BE interesting. Do interesting things. Have interesting experiences. get out, take pics, have fun and be fun. Fill your facebook page full of you being awesome and interesting and having fun. gives you lots to talk about. Go skydiving. Go white water rafting. Take a cool road trip and take lots of cool pics. Go to concerts and races and fights. etc etc etc. What would James Bond do? Get to it. Always have tons of shit to talk about and sometimes be too busy doing awesome things to return a text or call or to meet for lunch and then show the pics when you finally get a chance to meet up with her - if she asks.
Sorry, one last pithy thing to add: I used to worry about how I looked, what I wore, how much I weighed, etc etc. Then one day it hit me like a lightning bolt. The ONLY thing I have to be to a woman is...interesting. That's it. that's the secret of "How did HE get HER?" and why you see gorgeous women with fugly shmoos. The ugly shmoos have no choice but to be interesting. If you have any looks at all then you become James Bond or Cary Grant.