Originally Posted by WannabeMiddleMan
I'm definitely longing for someone to enjoy special times with, someone to take on dates, to enjoy new experiences etc
To borrow a couple of phrases:
1. The more you tighten your grip, the more will slip through your fingers
2. life is like a fart... if you have to force it, it's likely to turn into a shit
Relax, go with the flow of life, don't force things, be like water that naturally runs around rocks and gets to where it gets to, not the water that crashes into the rocks over and over
Sounds like tree-hugging hippie bullshit I realise lol, but once that became clear for me, it made all the difference in the world. That may not be your thing, horses for courses and all that, but it's just another way of looking at the 'be true to yourself' thing