Originally Posted by Markul
That would be great, but would make finding this thread harder...
There is nothing like reading troll posts well having a morning coffee..
Kind of like Sunday morning comics...
I do wonder; If AK is now gone...
AK had/has a little more understanding about the adult industry...
AK was/is funded by members of the adult industry...
What's the vested interest of the AK detractors?
I would assume they spend more time researching and finding info on filelocker sites etc.
Then the time they spend looking up things about AK and hours posting here.
If there is no $ in it for them, then they have other things going on to pay their bills... (so be it many people here do)
I can't imagine they spend all their waking hours fighting someone else's fight for free, let alone all the time spent posting and looking up dirt about AK...
True info or not that has been posted about AK; has little to do with my point....
If you want to be a group of white knights for adult based anti piracy, fine .. But why?
I maybe wrong; but you have no known history within adult online community
(related to or not related with content)
Other then possible "honey pot"...
Considering the time, resources, and money needed to do so.. Why?
Whats your end game here?
Run AK out and then you basically get more work load to do.. More time, energy, money... To fight the same fight...
Always follow the money..
Time = money, over head = money
You are spending both;
Yet the community is to accept and not question why you are doing this for free?
And not question why you would spend so much time/effort/etc.. on AK... Someone fighting the same fight?
If you were asking for donation or funded, I'd say you were doing it for market share..
But you are not..
The only thing I can see (again maybe I'm wrong) is you limit the over all man power etc.. being put behind the cause you are both fighting by targeting him..
Not only in the time taken to target him, but also in the end result of doing so..
I can understand AK's fighting back and attacks..
He has/had a vested interest...
Financially and to his backers etc..
You do not...
So whats the story?