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Old 02-06-2015, 02:42 PM  
Keyboard Warrior
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Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd View Post
Chuck Norris. LOL

Doesn't "heart" and an inner drive to never stop count for anything? I bet it does. If we're talking about a SMART fighter. You are all focusing so much on physics, weight, etc but forgetting about INNER power, fortitude, inner strength, personal power, etc.

Tyson is a bully and, like all bullies, once his ass was properly good and kicked, never threatened anyone ever again. Lee? He faced racism and bigotry at a much harsher time than Tyson did and therefore had more "drive" than the average martial artist (which is probably what killed him, over-training). Was the drive for fame rather than proficiency? Perhaps...but drive is still drive, and Lee had it way above Tyson.

So if we are betting on "the man" I go with Lee. Never underestimate whoever wants it more will win. One good hit to Tyson and the bully would fade like the pussy he is. Lee would fight to the death.
Are you saying the Black Man doesn't live a harsh life in the USA? Are you kidding me? No bigotry? I usually like reading some of your posts, but this one is really out there.

Tyson lost because he lost the drive and discipline when Cus died. Before that, he cleaned out the HW Boxing division as the smallest man in the ring, and when you get hit by HW, you go down.

All of you who pick Bruce Lee do so from watching him in movies. Show me one fight, just one. If he was such a great fighter you'd have video proof of it everywhere.

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