Ive been lifting for a while.. dead lift around 400, bench 220 or so.. my thing is I'm 6'2 and 290 right now. Im not some beer belly porn slanger lol but ive got about 50 lbs i need to cut. Everybody i talk to says eat 4,000 cals a day to bulk up.. im like 290 i think im already bulked up, i just want to cut up some.. I been on about 2,000 cals a day.. mostly protien foods.. eggs and sasuage for breakfast, beans cornbread for dinner, very small snacks in bewteen(fruit, tuna, veges) sup. wise I take the 6star creatine, whey protien about 90 grams a day (on top of the 50 grams from food)
On lifting everyone says lift one day, take the next off and so on.. for muscle recovery.. the average person that would make sense.. I sit in my office daily from about 8am to 11pm working on here, so it seems to me that that would help muscle recovery somewhat where i dont do anything with my muscles other than type. I lifted a hour yesterday heavy lifts bench, heavyweight squats and some curls.. arms was jello when i was done.. today, arms feel fine, not much pain and feel like i could go right back and lift another hour no problem... all i get is if you lift daily, you wont gain shit muscle or cut wise.. any useful imput here?
fuck.. that was way long.. nobody gonna read all this lol