Originally Posted by dyna mo
I'm for majority rules in our Democracy, not in fucking science! jeez.
1. I've never denied climate change
2. i've never had an issue with obamacare
I am OTR here with both of those and have mentioned that to you many times.
To go along with my previous statement of "the majority is a bunch of idiots," and to address your question posed to me a page back, I never said that an IQ test was required to vote.
What I'm saying, and what several others are trying to point out to you but you're nitpicking and missing the point (whether deliberate or not) is that sometimes, as someone in a position of power, you have to make decisions that go against the majority, because that majority may not fully understand the issue or the implications related to their point of view.
A simple look at the majority of the comments on any article about Obama vetoing this bill will prove that. The ones who are outraged (and in the majority who support the pipeline) believe this pipeline will bring oil into the US and reduce our gas prices. They also think that this will create thousands of long-term jobs, as opposed to the 35-50 long term and up to 3000 short term (a couple of years or less) jobs that it will actually create. They also aren't aware that the company behind this is NOT required to pay into the fund created for the purpose of expenses relating to leaks/spills/clean-up/etc.
Actually listening to un-informed opinions is idiotic, and I'd be pissed if any President did it, Repub or Dem. Would you buy a book if i recommended it, but knowing I never read it? Of course not, because my opinion would be worthless. Same goes for a good chunk of that "majority" that support the pipeline bill in its current state.