Originally Posted by Jel
Programs that will allow me to watermark with my own url for redirection to your tour, hit me up on skype: jel-new
Not every program/site is a fit, but basically I rewatermark your existing tube clips with my own url as already stated, for redirection to your tour. Not for all program owners I know, but if you allow this, or want to try it out, I have a rock solid rep and don't fuck any content owners over by way of redirect to another program etc. If you have what I'm looking for, and I'm what you're looking for, hit me up
Wayne - I did hit your rep up last year to see if this would work with your content but got a knockback, not sure if you've changed your mind on that, or only allow your clips for tube owners to populate their site(s) - if it's the former give me a shout
I would take you up on this no problem except we have a pretty big tube uploading operation now and are basically on most tubes worth being on. But if there's a workaround that I'm interested.
More traffic is always a good thing.