Originally Posted by CyberSEO
Course not. Ruskie is a nationality (e.g. Sid70 is Ruskie). The one can be Ruskie and live anywhere on Earth. If you live in Russia you are Russian and it doesn't matter if you Ruski, Tatar, Suomi, Georgian, Armenian, Jewish or Algerian by your nationality. The foreign people always confuse these things because both Русский (a person Russian nationality) and Россиянен (a citizen of Russian Federation) translate to English as "Russian".
Ruskie translates in Finnish as ryssä, and we have saying "Ruskie is a ruskie even if you would fry it with a butter." It might be a tad obvious that we don't separate Ruskie from Ruskie. If you are from or live in Russia, you are Russian aka ruskie aka ryssä. But you can become as Finnish by moving into here (Finland) and due time become established as Finnish, or at least your children or grandchildren will be (and I don't mean citizenship, I mean in ethnic sense).