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Old 04-11-2015, 09:43 AM  
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Originally Posted by johnny_d View Post
You need to know Google Analytics, if you dont, there is at least four good books about it on After that you start buying traffic, and testing what is working, and what is not (bounce rate, time on site, number of pages visited, goals / conversion funnels that you set up). If something looks like it is making sense, you can start optimizing it further on site too. In general, common sense, you want to make profit. If something does not work, dont spend money, and start looking for a different way to get what you want. I am not sure how much money to invest in testing (could be 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000 visitors, lets say, this is somehow up to you too). Talk to people who sell you traffic (advertising companies), they can tell you what is what too. There are people who spend $10,000 a day on this, or more, could be $100,000 too.

OK smart guy... I have based on Google analytics the following:

My bounce rate is 25%
My time on site is about 7 minutes
My number of pages is about 8
My conversion is about 0.5 %
My daily uniques is about 2,500
My return visitors are about 35 %

So where do I go from here
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