BitterStrawberry - Tomorrowland Competition
Now is the perfect time to send your mobile traffic to BitterStrawberry!
30-50% More Revenue on the same amount of Traffic, plus the chance to win one of our prizes:
- 6 Tomorrowland Festival VIP tickets. Everything is taken care of! Plane ticket, local transportation and accommodation in the Martin's Patershof Sin Church!
- 10 iPhone 6+!?
Enter the competition now! Are you ready?
? You need a Webmaster/ Affiliate active account
? Reach a minimum payout of 250? for the promotion period, 1-31 May 2015
? Increase your payout with 20% (to enter the 10 iPhone6+ raffle) or 30% (to enter both Tomorrowland and the 10 iPhone6+ raffles), between 1 ? 31 May 2015, compared to the April 2015 payout.